Is the Religious Right Shilling for Big Oil?

As we often have said, the religious right is really a political movement that strategically uses religion and religious language to push a political agenda that often has little connection to the values of mainstream people of faith. Today we see another example of how the religious right nakedly shills for powerful economic interests. OneNewsNow, […]

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Debbie Riddle’s Immigration Issue

Immigration, clearly, has become one of the most divisive issues in American politics today. And while it’s not an issue the Texas Freedom Network typically monitors, we have begun noting the extremist statements that public officials make in that debate. Speaking on Houston’s KPFT-FM radio station last week, state Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, offered this […]

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What’s Going on in Virginia?

Virginia seems to be challenging Texas for which state’s elected officials pander the most to the far right. In his first three months in office, for example, Virginia’s Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell rescinded an order barring state employment discrimination against gay people and issued a proclamation honoring the Confederacy that failed to mention slavery, the […]

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Breathing Fire in Tyler

Political fire-breathing was center stage at “The Oil Palace” on Saturday in Tyler, the only Texas stop on FOX News show host Glenn Beck‘s traveling road show, his “Take America Back” tour. The event showed once again how religious-right rhetoric increasingly dominates the so-called “tea party movement.” Beck and various Texas politicians provided plenty of […]

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Public School Students: Headed to HELL?

Did you know public schools “promote a culture of immorality and death”? That public school students are more likely “to engage in sex and perversions,” “get an STD” and “commit suicide”? Or more to the point, did you realize that putting your children in public schools means they are “more likely to go to HELL”? That’s what […]

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