Rick Perry: Pretend Outsider, Real Insider

Texas Gov. Rick Perry likes to pretend that he’s leading an insurgent battle against a tyrannical federal government, even going so far as to flirt with secessionists. Now the Republican presidential candidate is also trying to persuade voters that he wants to crack down on elected officials who use their office and political connections for […]

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Too Poor to Vote?

A Houston Tea Party group that made wild charges about “voter fraud” in Harris County last year apparently thinks folks should learn more about the ideas of a far-right extremist who believes that registering poor people to vote is un-American. We wonder whether Plano-based Liberty Institute, the Texas affiliate of Focus on the Family that […]

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Colbert Takes on Texas State Rep

Here we go again. Will Texas ever go, say, an entire year without becoming fodder for the likes of Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert? Another Texas lawmaker became the punchline last night on Colbert’s Comedy Central show. This time it was state Rep. Larry Taylor, R-Friendswood, and his use of an ethnic slur during a […]

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Perry Backer Pro-Family or Pro-Deadbeat Dad?

The far-right Family Research Council, which helped organize Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s “The Response” prayer event in Houston last August, appears to have no sense of irony (or shame). FRC has named U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh, R-Ill., a “True Blue” member of Congress because of his “unwavering support of the family.” We suspect Walsh’s ex-wife […]

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‘Drug-Based Sex Education’ Redux

In our latest episode of “Liberty Institute Says the Darndest Things,” we look at the Focus on the Family Texas affiliate’s use of a fear-mongering term we’ve covered before, but this time we have audio of it. We’re talking about “drug-based sex education,” an absurd construction used (maybe even coined) by LI’s Austin-based lawyer/lobbyist any […]

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