Texas Senate Hearing Today Was Really about Justifying Discrimination against LGBT People

Today’s hearing of the Texas Senate State Affairs Committee was billed as an examination of how to protect religious liberty, but it was really about what we expected it would be: justifying discrimination against LGBT people. In fact, halfway through the hearing, it became clear that religious-right activists and committee members were especially interested in relitigating […]

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So Is Ted Cruz Running for President or Priest?

Here is Heidi Cruz on Wednesday, putting husband Ted Cruz’s race for president in, well, godly terms: “When I thought about doing it for our country, it became very clear to me that our family must be in this race. We are at a cultural crossroads in our country, and if we can be in this […]

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Far-Right Texas Pastor Jeffress: Obama Is ‘Defender-in-Chief of Islam’

Robert Jeffress, the far-right Dallas pastor who thinks President Obama is paving the way for the Antichrist, is troubled that the president visited a Baltimore mosque this week to express his opposition to bigotry and discrimination targeting Muslim Americans. After Jeffress spoke on Fox News today, the network tweeted some of his comments, including: .@robertjeffress: Pres. […]

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