Paxton Deputy: Words in the Law Matter, Except When They Don’t

Jeff Mateer, who was recently hired as a top deputy of indicted Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, doesn’t believe there is such a thing as church-state separation. When he has spoken at schools or colleges, he has offered $100 to anyone who can point to where “separation of church and state” is mentioned in the […]

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Texas Religious-Right Group’s Ridiculous Rant: Mickey Mouse Is Coming for Your Crosses

This is just plain Goofy. After Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal’s veto on Monday of a bill that would have encouraged individuals and businesses to use religion as cover to discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, a Dopey religious-right group in Texas is warning that Disney could soon ban Christian crosses from its theme parks. Here’s an excerpt from the […]

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Cruz Tries to Out-Trump Donald Trump

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, in full desperation, has apparently decided that the only way to catch Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary race is to out-Trump Trump or to at least match him blow by extremist blow. Early this morning, terrorists struck a train station and an airport terminal in Brussels, Belgium, killing dozens […]

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New Texas AG’s Office Appointee Rejects Church-State Separation

“I’ll hold up my hundred-dollar bill and say, ‘for the first student who can cite me the provision in the Constitution that guarantees the separation of church and state verbatim, I’ll give this hundred dollar bill. … It’s not there. … The protections of the First Amendment protect us from government, not to cause government to […]

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