Just days after the shooting in Buffalo, NY, where 10 people were killed when their predominantly Black community was targeted based on a white domestic terrorist’s beliefs that the country is “experiencing an invasion on a level never seen before in history,” Ted Cruz tweeted rhetoric in the same vein. […]
In Solidarity With the Protesters: End Police Brutality and Racism
The Texas Freedom Network is united with protesters across the nation who have taken to the streets in outrage after the death of yet another unarmed African American at the hands of police. […]
URGENT: Texas House to Consider Amendment Opening the Door to Discrimination on College Campuses
Update: On May 24, the conference committee for SB 215 filed its official report but did not include the discriminatory amendment added by Rep. Krause. The House and Senate both adopted the report and forwarded the bill to Gov. Perry for his signature. This means the discriminatory amendment will not become law. ———————————————– We have […]
East Texas Church Still Misuses the Bible to Justify Racist Ideology
One of the tragedies of segregation was how some Christian churches misused the Bible and religion to justify racial bigotry. In recent decades, however, many have renounced their racist pasts. In 1995, for example, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution apologizing for the denomination’s past support of slavery, segregation and white supremacy. The denomination […]