The End of the World as They Know It?

A Concerned Women for America fundraising email today includes this lament: “Recently 133 same-sex couples married in Washington State at Seattle’s City Hall. That number is growing, and will continue to grow, as states around our great nation turn away from Biblical morality and marriage as God created and intended: one man, one woman, no […]

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Punishing People for Whom They Love

Efforts by religious-righters — like the extremists over at Focus on the Family-Texas Free Market Foundation Liberty Institute Texas Values — to bully the Pflugerville school district just outside Austin are revealing. They want the district to drop its new policy giving domestic partners of employees access to health insurance benefits (with premiums paid by […]

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RR Groups Angry Over GOP Senator’s Support of Equality and Dignity for LGBT Texans

Religious-right groups in Texas are furious (surprise!) that Republican state Senator John Carona of Dallas has dared suggest that gay and lesbian Texans should be treated with dignity and equality. In an interview this week with the Dallas Voice, Carona expressed his support for legislation barring job discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, […]

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