Texas Ed Board Member Ken Mercer Promotes Fear and Hate in San Antonio Anti-Discrimination Debate

We already knew that Texas State Board of Education member Ken “Cat-Dog” Mercer, R-San Antonio, arrogantly questions the religious faith of people who oppose teaching public school students discredited creationist arguments against evolution in their science classrooms. Now we see that Mercer also has no problem using fear and hate to promote discrimination. Below is a […]

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San Antonio NDO: Final Vote This Thursday

This is a big week for equality in San Antonio. On Thursday the city council will take a final vote on a proposed nondiscrimination ordinance that would add protections for the LGBT community. Here’s coverage from the San Antonio Current to bring you up to speed on matters. As you can tell by the story, […]

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The Hateful, Cynical Campaign Against San Antonio's Nondiscrimination Ordinance

This past week it became clear just how hateful and cynical the campaign to defeat a proposed San Antonio nondiscrimination ordinance has become. The ordinance would add LGBT people and veterans to existing city nondiscrimination protections in employment, housing and public accommodations. The City Council is planning to vote on the proposed nondiscrimination ordinance on September 5. […]

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Religious-Right Groups Want to Gut Protections, Support Discrimination in San Antonio

Religious-right groups are demanding that San Antonio’s nondiscrimination policies include a religious exemption for individuals — an exemption that would effectively gut not just proposed protections for LGBT people (protections those anti-gay groups oppose), but also existing protections against discrimination based on gender, race, age, disability and even religion. The offices of San Antonio City […]

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What John Hagee Didn't Say

This is what rapidly changing attitudes and a shift toward acceptance and equality across the country, and even in Texas, will (potentially) do to the stridently anti-gay religious right. The San Antonio-Express News is out with a story this week about the Alamo City’s efforts to pass a non-discrimination ordinance that, among other things, says […]

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