Pastor: Federal Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage in Texas Is Historic for Both Religious Freedom and Civil Liberties

We just sent out the following press release about today’s historic federal court ruling that strikes down the Texas ban on same-sex marriage: The Rev. Dr. Larry Bethune, pastor of Austin’s University Baptist Church and a member of the Texas Freedom Network Board of Directors, has the following statement following today’s ruling by U.S. District […]

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Watch This News Anchor's Fantastic Response to Right-Wing Rage Over Coke's Super Bowl Commercial

An anchorwoman for Atlanta’s WXIA television station held little back in going after the right-wing rage over Coca-Cola’s Super Bowl commercial this past Sunday. The commercial featured “America the Beautiful” sung in various languages along with images of America’s great diversity — people of different ethnicities and backgrounds, including a gay family. Here’s some of […]

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Houston Mayor Gets Married, Religious-righters Foam at the Mouth

When we saw the news about Houston Mayor Annise Parker (right) marrying her longtime partner, Kathy Hubbard (left), in California on Thursday, we braced for the avalanche of vitriol from angry right-wingers. We didn’t have to wait long. This morning Dave Welch of the Houston Area Pastor Council (HAPC) launched a vicious personal attack on […]

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Judge Smacks Down Texas Religious-Right Group for Trying to Waste His Time

Yet again we see a religious-right group promote misleading “science” and a social agenda while pretending to practice law — but this time a federal judge is having none of it. Last fall Texas Values, the lobby arm of Plano-based Liberty Institute, sought permission from a federal district judge in San Antonio to file an amicus brief opposing a […]

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