New Low for Texas Gov. Perry: Compares Gay People to Alcoholics

So this is what Texas Gov. Rick Perry had to say about gay people at an event Wednesday evening in San Francisco: “Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that,” Perry said. “I may have the genetic coding that I’m […]

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Religious-Right Group Defends Texas GOP's Support for Abusive Gay 'Cure' Therapy

One of the most extreme religious-right groups in Texas is rushing to defend the state Republican Party for adopting a platform last week that supports discredited “reparative therapy,” which seeks to convert or “cure” gay people. Medical experts and professional associations have condemned “reparative therapy” as abusive quackery that seriously endangers the mental health and physical well-being of those who suffer through it. The American Psychiatric Association, […]

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Texas GOPers Still Can't Stand to Be in the Same Convention Hall with Gay Folks

Polling shows that most Americans oppose discrimination against LGBT people (and even support marriage equality), but Texas Republican Party leaders apparently didn’t get the memo. The Texas GOP has denied Log Cabin Republicans, a national organization for gay conservatives, a booth at its state convention in Fort Worth next week. The state GOP chairman, Steve Munisteri, confirmed […]

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Houston City Council Takes a Stand for Equality: Passes Equal Rights Ordinance by 11-6 Vote

The Houston City Council, by a vote of 11-6, has just passed the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), which bars discrimination based on race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and military status, among other characteristics, in employment, housing and public accommodations. Houston now joins Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Fort Worth and El Paso in adopting such broad civil rights […]

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Houston ERO Opponent: 'We Can't Let the Devil Do What He Wants'

The vote on the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance is scheduled to take place in Houston City Council chambers some time today. The ERO would simply prohibit discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations based on race, gender, religion, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity and a number of other protected characteristics . But from the moment […]

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