John Hagee Doesn't Know How to Share

San Antonio megachurch pastor John Hagee had this to say to nonbelievers in a “War on Christmas” sermon delivered over the holidays: If you pass a manger scene and someone is singing “Joy to the World,” you can take your Walkman and stuff it into your ears, or you can call your lawyer. Or you […]

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What John Hagee Didn't Say

This is what rapidly changing attitudes and a shift toward acceptance and equality across the country, and even in Texas, will (potentially) do to the stridently anti-gay religious right. The San Antonio-Express News is out with a story this week about the Alamo City’s efforts to pass a non-discrimination ordinance that, among other things, says […]

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Sen. Patrick Gives Texans an Odd Lesson on Civil Rights

Did you know that students attending private schools in Texas today face discrimination like African-American students did during the era of racial segregation? Sen. Dan Patrick, the Republican chairman of the Texas Senate Education Committee, seems to think so. Sen. Patrick was speaking at Tuesday’s Education Committee hearing on Senate Bill 573, a measure that […]

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The Unusual Suspects

Many of the hateful, sometimes highly political comments some of the people connected to The Response — the Gov. Rick Perry-hosted and supposedly nonpolitical prayer rally in Houston later this summer — are anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Home Depot, anti-Barney the Dinosaur, anti-you name it. And also pro-violence? The event’s info packet lists  Pastor Stephen Broden […]

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The Usual Suspects

Gov. Rick Perry and his spokespeople have for a couple of weeks continued to claim that The Response, a Christian prayer and fasting event organized by the hate group the American Family Association and the governor, is not a political rally. Gov. Perry can continue to make that claim, but the people he’s partnered with […]

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