Texas Hate Group Spokesperson Once Again Exposes the Lies Behind Anti-Transgender Bill

Supporters of SB6, the so-called “bathroom bill” that would discriminate against transgender people who need to use a public restroom in Texas, often claim they’re simply trying to “protect” women and children from sexual predators. The bill, they insist, has nothing to do with targeting transgender people for discrimination. But they’re lying, as a spokesperson for Conservative Republicans of […]

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Yes, the Texas Anti-LGBT Bills Really Are About Hate and Discrimination

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick insists that SB 6 — the so-called “bathroom bill” — isn’t about discriminating against transgender Texans. It is, of course. Patrick’s own actions, and the actions of religious-right extremists he has brought in to help pass this discrimination bill, make that clear. […]

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Woodfill Announces Bid for Texas GOP Chair at Anti-LGBT Hate Fest in Houston

We told you last week about Jared Woodfill’s coming bid for chair of the Texas Republican Party. He made the official announcement at an event hosted by Houston hate-monger Steve Hotze’s Conservative Republicans of Texas organization. The anti-LGBT rhetoric at the event was so vile that it appeared to make some of the folks even in that audience […]

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