Is the Right's CSCOPE Witch Hunt Now Spiraling Way Out of Control?

The right-wing assault on CSCOPE in Texas has intensified with Senate Education Committee Chairman Dan Patrick, R-Houston, posting on his Facebook page a statement from state Attorney General Greg Abbott. Abbott’s statement echoes critics of the curriculum system, which is used in hundreds of Texas public and private schools: “The Attorney General’s Office has been […]

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Texas Attorney General Shouldn't Stand with Extremists

We just sent out the following press release: The president of the Texas Freedom Network today called on Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to decline an award from an activist group whose leader says President Obama is “anti-Christian” and an “enemy” of America, compares the president and other Democratic leaders to Nazis, calls Houston’s twice-elected […]

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God, Guns and Greg Abbott

The image below comes from the political campaign of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. Where to begin? Perhaps with the fact that the Bible is, in fact, taught in public schools. Sometimes unconstitutionally, but it is. Here’s TFN’s report on such classes. Or maybe we should start by noting Tuesday’s Texas Senate Education Committee hearing, […]

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