Anti-CSCOPE Witch Hunt Fizzles: Will Teachers Get an Apology?

For well over a year, right-wing activists and pandering politicians like Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and state Sen. Dan Patrick have loudly and recklessly complained that a popular curriculum tool used in hundreds of Texas schools is filled with anti-American, Marxist and pro-Islamic bias. Now a formal review of lessons from the CSCOPE curriculum program confirms […]

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Why Isn't Bill Zedler Angry about Ted Nugent Glorifying Sex with Teen Girls?

Texas state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, is upset that rocker Ted Nugent’s racist insults (like “subhuman mongrel”) about President Obama and his equally repugnant attacks on Hillary Clinton  (like “toxic c***,” “two-bit whore” and “worthless bitch”) have made the news. Now Nugent name calling of Obama gets media hype, but where were they when Bill Mahr called […]

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Religious-Righters Line Up Behind Their Candidate for Next Texas Attorney General

Religious-right groups have swooned over Greg Abbott, the Texas attorney general and candidate for the Republican nomination for governor next year. Now they appear to be lining up behind a candidate to replace Abbott as AG: state Sen. Ken Paxton, R-McKinney. Today Paxton’s campaign released a long list of religious-right activists who are backing his […]

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CSCOPE Witch Hunt Flares Up Again: Sen. Patrick and AG Abbott Target Educators

Just two months after gutting a curriculum tool that nearly 900 Texas school districts were using, state Sen. Dan Patrick and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott have decided they’re not done harassing educators and wasting taxpayer dollars. Last week Patrick called on the Texas State Auditor’s Office to review the operations of the Texas Education […]

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