More Fear-Mongering from the Texas Renewal Project

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (speaking in a recorded message) and his father Rafael warned about religious persecution, homosexual domination of pulpits, and churches forced to hire pedophiles at a gather of about 1,000 pastors and their spouses in Austin this week, according to one of the attendees of the Texas Renewal […]

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Gov. Abbott Joins Religious-Right Gathering in Austin

The Texas Renewal Project event scheduled for later this month will have another notable speaker: Gov. Greg Abbott. We already wrote about this event, but the addition of the state’s top elected official appears to be new, according to an email invitation that went out late last week. Abbott will join former Arkansas governor Mike […]

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Gov. Greg Abbott Appoints SBOE Member Donna Bahorich as New Chair

Gov. Greg Abbott today announced the appointment of Texas State Board of Education member Donna Bahorich, R-Houston, as board chair. Bahorich replaces Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands. We just sent out the following press release: Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller is expressing disappointment in Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision, announced today, to appoint State Board of […]

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Texas Far-Right Group Directly Attacks Religious Faith of Elected Leaders Who Support Equality

Religious-right activists are now directly attacking the faith of elected city officials in Plano in an increasingly vitriolic campaign to repeal the North Texas city’s new anti-discrimination ordinance. The ordinance, passed in December, bars discrimination against LGBT people in employment, housing and public accommodations. Religious-right activists have been trying for weeks to frighten Plano residents by arguing that the ordinance will endanger […]

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Greg Abbott’s Hypocrisy

Texas Gov.-elect Greg Abbott is getting well-deserved criticism for his comments at a conservative forum about city ordinances that ban fracking and disposable plastic bags at stores. Claiming that such measures show that Texas is being “Californianized,” Abbott absurdly argued that they represent intolerable limits on freedom: “That is contrary to my vision for Texas. My vision is one […]

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