Why Is Greg Abbott Still Associating with Extremists?

When it comes to Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot, at least one thing has become abundantly clear: he doesn’t have a problem sharing the stage with some of the nation’s most extreme, divisive and hateful figures. That conclusion is underscored by the news that Abbott will be a featured speaker next month at a Texas Renewal […]

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Requiem for a Rodeo Clown

Good news: Glenn Beck’s FOX News show goes off the air today. Bad news: Beck is considering moving to Texas. Really horrible news if Beck’s serious: he told Gov. Rick Perry he may run for governor if he moves to Texas. As America’s most beloved tin foil hatter departs from FOX News, the watchdog group […]

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Chilling Times

The shooting this morning of an Arizona congresswoman (who at this writing is in critical condition) is a chilling moment in American history. It appears that six people were killed, including a young child and a federal judge. Some have already noted that Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was featured last year in a map created […]

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