Thunderclap for Science

The conclusion of our year-long effort to protect science in Texas hangs on a final vote at the State Board of Education this Friday. And on Thursday morning when the board begins its crucial deliberations over the science textbooks, we want to show them the world is watching. We’re going to hit them with a […]

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Help Us in the Final Push for Sound Science Textbooks in Texas

On Nov. 22, our Stand Up for Science campaign will come to an end. That’s when the Texas State Board of Education will take a final vote on adopting new science textbooks that will be in classrooms for the next decade. Now is the time to take action by telling the members of the state board: “Adopt […]

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Sen. Ted Cruz's Dad Says: 'Communism and Evolution Go Hand in Hand'

Where did Texas Sen. Ted Cruz develop his extremist political views? Perhaps right at home. Our friends at Right Wing Watch have the video of the senator’s father, Rafael Cruz, talking about how communists use homosexuality and evolution to gain power. Homosexuality, you see, destroys families. Communists want that, apparently. As for evolution: “You know […]

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Google+ Hangout: What's Happening with the Texas Science Textbook Adoption

Watch and listen in as the Texas Freedom Network’s Kathy Miller, the National Center for Science Education’s Josh Rosenau, and University of Texas Professor Arturo De Lozanne talk about the battle to defend evolution and climate change science in proposed science textbooks for Texas schools. The State Board of Education is scheduled to vote November […]

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