Exposing the Junk Science of ‘Intelligent Design’

UPDATE: SMU faculty members have written an open letter critical of the Discovery Institute presentation on their campus. Last week the Seattle-based Discovery Institute descended on the Southern Methodist University campus in Dallas for another of its junk-science forums attempting to debunk evolutionary science. The event, “Four Nails in Darwin’s Coffin,” included a film and […]

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A Candidate for the Texas Education Board?

“Evolution is a myth. . . . Why aren’t monkeys still evolving into humans?” No, that’s not Ken “Dog-Cat/Cat-Rat” Mercer, the Republican State Board of Education member from San Antonio who thinks evidence against evolution is the fact that dog-cat and cat-rat mutants aren’t roaming the earth. The quote above comes from Christine O’Donnell, the […]

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Texas Preps for Next Science Battle

The process will be different than originally expected, but next year the battle over what Texas students learn about evolution in their science classrooms returns to the State Board of Education. With legislators tasked with closing a huge state budget gap next year, the state board voted in July to postpone indefinitely the adoption of […]

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Blame Hitler or Darwin?

During the debate over science curriculum standards in Texas early last year, anti-science fanatics argued that serial murderer Jeffrey Dahmer’s depravity was the result of “believing” in evolution. Yeah, that was pretty crazy. But it’s not any crazier than the more common smear tactic of tying the acceptance of evolutionary science to Nazi Germany. The far-right […]

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Court Smacks Down Creationist Institute Suit

An effort by an anti-evolution “institute” to dumb-down science education in Texas hit a brick wall in federal court last week. On June 18 federal district Judge Sam Sparks refused to force Texas to grant authority to the Dallas-based Institute for Creation Research Graduate School (ICRGS) to offer master of science degrees in science education. […]

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