What Does He Really Think?

It seems that Brian Russell, anointed by Cynthia Dunbar as her desired replacement on the Texas State Board of Education, doesn’t much like the Texas Freedom Network. And we’re such nice folks. Go figure. Anyway, just a few days before word got out that Russell is seeking Dunbar’s board seat, the Austin attorney and his […]

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SBOE Races Take Shape as Filing Approaches

The candidate filing period for the 2010 Texas elections opens on Thursday (December 3), but many candidates for the Texas State Board of Education are already off and running – and early indications are that far-right incumbents on the state board will face stiff challenges for re-election. Let’s look first at the most interesting Republican Primary […]

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The Religious Right Targets Houston Election

It really was only a matter of time. For months the Houston mayoral election focused on issues important to most working families in the city — issues like crime, transportation and economic development. Oh sure, there were occasional subtle references by far-right political activists to the fact that candidate Annise Parker, the current city controller, is […]

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Peter Marshall’s History: FAIL

We have already told you about David Barton and Peter Marshall, the two absurdly unqualified “experts” placed on a  social studies curriculum panel by far-right members of the Texas State Board of Education. Now other bloggers have been looking at Marshall’s claims downplaying the influence of Enlightenment thinkers — and promoting the Bible’s influence — […]

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Talking Points

From yesterday’s TFN News Clips: “They just kind of say, ‘Don’t do it.’ And then before prom, they say, ‘Don’t go to Motel 6.’” — Tracey Bark, a Frisco High junior, discussing the abstinence-only sex education she received in her freshman health class. Stay informed with TFN News Clips, a daily digest of news on […]

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