New SBOE Campaign Finance Reports

According to new campaign finance reports filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, two Democratic candidates are ahead of their Republican opponents in the money race in two key Texas State Board of Education elections on Nov. 2. Candidates have filed reports for campaign donations and expenditures for the period from July 1 to September 23. […]

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Ignorance-Only Sex ‘Education’

We reported some good news last week about sex education in Texas: various evidence-based, sex education programs in Texas are getting a total of more than $7.4 million in new federal grants. But there was bad news as well: Texas also got $5.4 million for abstinence-only programs that refuse to teach medically accurate information about […]

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Once Again: Texas Tops in Fed Ab-Only Dollars

Once again, Texas leads the nation in federal funding for abstinence-only programs that don’t teach young people medically accurate information about responsible pregnancy and disease prevention. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has announced how much each state will receive in abstinence-only funding under the recently passed Affordable Care Act. Programs in Texas […]

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Advocate for Sex Ed in Texas

Texas has one of the nation’s highest teen birthrates, yet a Texas Freedom Network Education Fund report last year found that 9 in 10 of the state’s school districts keep young people ignorant by teaching failed abstinence-only programs or nothing at all when it comes to sex education. Now you can participate in a special […]

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Texas and Iran?

Uh oh. The respected journal Foreign Policy has a new article listing the places where you will find the worst textbooks. Headlined “The World’s Worst Textbooks,” the article notes: “As students around the world head back to school, many of the lessons they’re learning are not only false — they’re dangerous.” According to the journal, […]

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