GOP Nominee for TX State Board of Education Seat Another Culture Warrior?

Laurie Turner, Republican nominee for the District 2 seat on the State Board of Education, is sounding like yet another culture warrior who wants control over what millions of Texas kids learn in their public schools. In an opinion piece published Monday on the conservative website Texas Insider, Turner urges readers: “(R)emember there can only […]

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Louisiana Loves Vouchers, But Not the Mooslims

It’s safe to say that some of our lawmaker neighbors in Louisiana have been experiencing some buyer’s remorse since approving a school voucher scheme designed to funnel millions of dollars away from public schools to private and parochial schools earlier this month. The buyer’s remorse is not because of finances. You can read about the […]

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Taking the SBOE Campaign to the Democratic Convention

If you’re planning to be at the state Democratic Party Convention in Houston this weekend, be sure to visit the Texas Freedom Network booth in the exhibit hall. And don’t miss the highlight of the convention — the Texas Freedom Network’s workshops*. That’s right, the Texas Freedom Network will have two convention workshops this year. […]

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Feel the Hate — Then Join TFN to Fight Back

Check out how Liberty Institute — the Texas affiliate of Focus on the Family — is describing State Board of Education member George Clayton. Clayton, a Republican from the Dallas area, lost his re-election bid Tuesday in the GOP primary. The sneering contempt is almost palpable: In the North Texas area, incumbent SBOE member George […]

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