This Is a Big Week in the Texas Legislature

The Texas Freedom Network will be busy, busy, busy at the Legislature this week. Sex education, religious freedom, LGBT rights, and family planning funding are on legislative calendars. Click on the links in the Take Action box on the right to help our efforts at the Capitol. Sex Education The Texas House Committee on Public […]

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Rick Perry Talks CSCOPE with Glenn Beck

You couldn’t be blamed if up to now you looked at this CSCOPE hubbub and dismissed it as mostly just a case of a few fringe loons with Internet connections talking to each other. In fact, the most prominent individual — at least as far as electeds go — up to this point to engage […]

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Texas Senate Committee Passes Anti-Sex Education Bill

The Texas Senate Education Committee this morning approved Senate Bill 521, a measure that — if passed by the Legislature — would undermine the ability of school districts across the state to offer sex education. We reported about the Senate hearing on SB 521 last week here. Click here for a fact sheet on SB […]

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Not with a Bang, But with a Whimper

The wait is finally over. After months of promises and grandstanding, Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, with only hours remaining before the bill-filing deadline, finally fulfilled his pledge to file a school voucher bill. If you’ve been listening to Sen. Patrick since last August, you would think that this moment would be met with fanfare and […]

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