Current social studies curriculum standards in Texas promote the right-wing agenda of politicians who sat on the State Board of Education in 2010. With the state board this year set to revise those standards, a new report from the TFN Education Fund documents the problems and makes recommendations for how to get politics out of public school classrooms. Check […]
Texas has an increasingly diverse public education system with a public school enrollment of more than 5 million. Unfortunately, that public education system is also the target of right-wing extremists seeking to privatize our neighborhood public schools and push a culture-war agenda in the classroom.
To that end, Texas Freedom Network tirelessly fights for Texas public school students at the Capitol — opposing private school voucher legislation, sticking up for students’ freedoms, advocating for truthful, censorship-free lessons and textbooks, and more. We’ve also conducted groundbreaking research into what is taught in classrooms on subjects like sex education and religion.
- Teach the Truth: Texans United Against Censorship in Education
- Can This Class Be Saved? The ‘Hobby Lobby’ Public School Bible Curriculum (2014 report)
- Reading, Writing & Religion II (2013 report)
- Sex Education in Public Schools: Progress in the Lone Star State (2011 report)
- Just Say Don’t Know: Sex Education in Texas Public Schools (2009 report)
- The State Board of Education: Dragging Texas Schools into the Culture Wars (2008 report)
- Reading Writing & Religion: Teaching the Bible in Texas Public Schools (2006 report)
- Broken Promises II (2001 report)
- Broken Promises: Charter Schools in Texas (2000 report)
TX Ed Board Candidate Smears School Shooting Survivors
An extremist, a voucher proponent supported by far-right groups and an incumbent walk into a Texas State Board of Education race: This is your Republican field in the District 11 SBOE primary. […]
Elections 2018: Meet Your Texas SBOE Candidates
Who’s your Texas State Board of Education member? Sadly, it’s a question too many Texans wouldn’t be able to answer. But the board is an incredibly important body. Not only does it decide what gets taught to more than 5 million students in the state’s public school classrooms, but the board also has over the […]
It’s Past Time for MAS in Texas
As expected following Wednesday’s preliminary vote, the Texas State Board of Education today chose not to adopt a proposed Mexican American studies (MAS) textbook that the author and publisher had rushed forward to meet a deadline scholars had warned was too tight. Now, after failing to get more than a single textbook submission for adoption in each of […]
TFN Statement on SBOE Rejection of Mexican American Studies Textbook
The State Board of Education has failed once again to provide Texas public schools with the resources they need to create courses in Mexican American studies. We just sent out the following press release: […]