Contraception Turns Heterosexual Men Gay!

That bizarre claim comes in a strange web video making the rounds. The video, You Deserve to Know the Truth about Contraception, apparently produced by a group of Roman Catholic nuns called the Children of Mary order, argues that women who take “chemical” contraception no longer produce hormones that attract men. So heterosexual men eventually […]

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War on Women’s Health Care in Texas Is Already Limiting Access

The religious right’s war on contraception and reproductive health care for women — defended and promoted by a host of elected Texas officials like Gov. Rick Perry and state Rep. Wayne Christian — is already limiting women’s access to health services. The website RH Reality Check has been examining the consequences of a new state […]

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The Right’s Falsehoods and Distortions in the War on Birth Control

In the religious right’s war on science and modern medicine, truth apparently is merely an inconvenience that can be cast away with no regard. An email today from FRC Action (a group affiliated with the right-wing Family Research Council) repeats the falsehood that emergency contraception drugs cause abortions. The email urges activists to insist that […]

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Science Doesn’t Back Claims That Emergency Contraception Drugs Cause Abortion

You can bank on this: the right’s war on contraception is about to become another front — along with attacks on evolution and evidence on climate change — in the broader war on science. For years religious-right groups have insisted that pharmacists who oppose abortion should have the right to refuse to dispense emergency contraception […]

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