Texas Sen. Van Taylor: Making Things Up

Visiting the Twitter feed of Texas state Sen. Van Taylor, R-Plano, is an adventure in conspiracy land. His feed is full of hair-on-fire posts about topics like “liberal fascism,” Obamacare, the supposed “fast and furious” gun scandal and Hillary Clinton’s emails. Now he’s going after the Obama administration for, supposedly, wanting to prosecute people for disagreeing with him about climate […]

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2015 in Quotes: The War on Science

The right’s contempt for facts is especially evident when it comes to issues like climate change and evolution. Here’s some of the science denialism we heard from the right on in 2015. (Click here for previous posts on what we heard from the right in 2015.) “I’m going to punt on that one as well. That’s a question […]

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Welcome to the 21st Century

Sort of. From Associated Press: Alabama is updating its decade-old science standards to require that students understand evolution and learn about climate change, topics that can still be controversial in the Bible Belt state. Educators say the new rules — part of a major change that includes more experimentation and hands-on instruction and less lecturing […]

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David Barton Lectures Pope Francis (Really)

On his Monday WallBuilders Live! radio program, phony historian and religious-right propagandist David Barton decided to lecture Pope Francis about the advice he gets. Yeah, seriously. Barton and his sidekick Rick Green invited anti-climate science crank William Briggs on their show to criticize Pope Francis for his June encyclical calling climate change a “principal challenge” for humanity. International leaders and […]

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Don McLeroy and His 'False Ideas' about Science — Total Defeat

“False ideas are the greatest obstacle to progress. Evolution, the idea that all life is descended from a common ancestor, is a false idea.” — Don McLeroy (@DonMcLeroy) November 26, 2014 “False ideas are the greatest obstacle to progress. Evolution, the idea that all life is descended from a common ancestor, is a false idea.” […]

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