2015 in Quotes: The Real War on Religious Freedom

Religious-right activists have been chipping away at the wall separating church and state for decades. Now we hear elected officials who are just as shameful in their attacks on this fundamental protection for religious freedom in America. Indeed, their own words reveal a depth of support for religious freedom that’s almost paper thin. Here’s what we heard from […]

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The Constitution or ‘God’s Law’?

Speaking Sunday on Fox News, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore declared that he will continue to reject any federal court rulings that state same-sex marriage bans are unconstitutional. Why? God’s law (as he interprets it) trumps everything: “This power over marriage, which came from God under our organic law, is not to be redefined by the United […]

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This Is How Bigotry Works

So here’s a story about how bigotry works — and how religious-right groups feed off it. Schools across America typically close for important Christian holidays like Christmas. Some also close for major Jewish holy days like Yom Kippur. Muslims in Maryland’s Montgomery County asked officials to consider closing local schools in recognition of major Islamic days of observance like Eid al-Adha as well. […]

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Texas Legislator-to-Be Says There Is No Separation of Church and State

“It sounds crazy, because you ask, ‘where is the separation of church and state?’ You tell me. Where is separation of church and state? It’s not there. Somebody is determining the values of this culture and they are determining the values of those who hold public office, that are determining the future of your children, […]

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Rep. Louie 'Terror Babies' Gohmert Questions Barry Lynn on Christianity

If you read this blog, you’re probably the kind of person that, for one reason or another, knows the name Barry Lynn. But in case you don’t, here’s a brief refresher. For starters, it’s the Rev. Barry Lynn. Rev. Lynn is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. He’s an accomplished lecturer and […]

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