Setting the Record Straight on Chairman Leach’s Anti-abortion Extremism

State Rep. Jeff Leach has brought up one inflammatory anti-abortion bill after another as chair of the Texas House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee this session. This past week’s hearing drew testimony from hundreds anti-abortion extremists, many celebrating the possibility of executing a woman who ends her pregnancy early for any reason. Enough is enough. Today we joined with partner organizations […]

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The Supreme Court and Anti-Abortion Lies

Religious-righters and other anti-abortion activists are hailing the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of fake women’s health centers that oppose abortion. The court essentially said a California law requiring those organizations to tell women the truth likely violates free speech protections in the First Amendment. Yet Texas is still enforcing a law requiring abortion providers in real health centers to give misleading information to their patients. What about […]

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Texas HHSC Report on Family Planning Programs Leaves Out a Lot

We just sent out the following press release regarding a new report from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission on the state’s family planning programs. The report leaves out answers to too many questions, including why the state is still funneling taxpayer dollars to an incompetent, anti-abortion contractor. […]

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Anti-Abortion Groups Continue to Defend Lying to Women

The right’s hypocrisy on abortion and the First Amendment was clear to see last week as the U.S. Supreme Court took up a California case involving a state law regulating so-called “crisis pregnancy centers.” The law requires health clinics to tell patients that free or low-cost services like birth control and abortion are available through state programs. […]

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