TFN Statement on Texas House’s Preliminary Approval of SB8: Putting Lies Ahead of Women’s Access to Reproductive Health Care

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 19, 2017 The Texas House just voted to approve on second reading SB8, which creates even more regulations designed to unnecessarily burden abortion providers and make women’s access to abortion even harder in Texas. The House must still pass the bill on third reading. Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller has […]

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TFN Statement on Senate Passage of HB1291: Making the Textbook Wars Worse

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 19, 2017 The Texas Senate voted today to approve HB1291, which the Senate Education Committee revised to allow the State Board of Education by bypass legislative safeguards against textbook censorship. The House must now either approve the revised bill or send it to a conference committee. The Senate version of HB1291 […]

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Texas Hate Group Spokesperson Once Again Exposes the Lies Behind Anti-Transgender Bill

Supporters of SB6, the so-called “bathroom bill” that would discriminate against transgender people who need to use a public restroom in Texas, often claim they’re simply trying to “protect” women and children from sexual predators. The bill, they insist, has nothing to do with targeting transgender people for discrimination. But they’re lying, as a spokesperson for Conservative Republicans of […]

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