Reports: Thuggish Dan Patrick Supporters Confront Texas Reporters

So are we now seeing the new face of Texas following the right-wing sweep on election day last Tuesday? According to various media outlets, a television reporter says he was assaulted as he tried to cover the election night victory party for state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, last Tuesday. Patrick’s right-wing supporters were celebrating an election that will make […]

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Some Things Never Change (UPDATED) (SECOND UPDATE)

Actually, things change all the time. It’s the religious right that never, ever changes. 2002 (Click image to enlarge) 2014 (Click image to enlarge) (h/t Equality Texas) UPDATE TFN has issued the following statement in response to the anti-gay mailer in the District 10 Texas Senate race. TFN PRESIDENT CONDEMNS HATEFUL MAILER IN NORTH TEXAS […]

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TFN Endorses Wendy and Leticia for Texas!

We’re proud to announce the Texas Freedom Network’s endorsements for governor and lieutenant governor for the 2014 election. Our full slate of endorsements will be released before early voting, but TFN members will have advance access to that list. So become a member today at (Political advertisement paid for by the Texas Freedom Network) […]

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Texas House Candidate Warns of Muslim ‘Infiltration’ in American Society

A candidate seeking a seat in the Texas House of Representatives in the May 27 Republican runoff recently warned listeners on a religious radio program about “the infiltration of our society by Muslims.” The Texas Tribune reported about the comments by Rob Henneke, who finished second in the March primary for the GOP nomination to replace state Rep. […]

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Why Is Greg Abbott Still Associating with Extremists?

When it comes to Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot, at least one thing has become abundantly clear: he doesn’t have a problem sharing the stage with some of the nation’s most extreme, divisive and hateful figures. That conclusion is underscored by the news that Abbott will be a featured speaker next month at a Texas Renewal […]

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