Statement From TFN President Kathy Miller On Speaker Craddick’s Assertion That Vouchers Will Be Added Later To Education Bill

Statement From TFN President Kathy Miller On Speaker Craddick’s Assertion That Vouchers Will Be Added Later To Education Bill

February 3, 2005

Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller responded today to House Speaker Tom Craddick’s comment to reporters Wednesday that vouchers are too divisive to tackle early in the legislative process this year and that he was “sure there’ll be an amendment” adding vouchers later to House education overhaul legislation.

“Draining money from public schools through vouchers will be just as controversial later in the session as it is now, and time for passing a school finance bill will be even shorter then.

“Our neighborhood schools are struggling right now to find the money they need to educate our kids. Vouchers would make the problem worse. It would be simply irresponsible to plot for a voucher amendment that is acknowledged to be divisive when the Legislature should unify in support of excellence in our neighborhood schools.

“Legislators are obligated to address the issues that real families face every day. Good neighborhood schools are one of those issues vouchers are not.”

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