Sirius Radio Host Bringing Show to Texas for Battle over LGBT Discrimination Bills

SignorileBookMove over Indiana. The religious right’s campaign to enshrine in Texas law discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their families is putting the Lone Star State in the national spotlight.

In fact, all eyes will be on Texas when the House votes Tuesday on whether to defy a potential U.S. Supreme Court supporting the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples. Both the Senate and the House are set to vote on other legislation that would also open the door to discrimination in Texas.

We wanted to alert you to a couple of related events. Michelangelo Signorile is bringing his national Sirius XM radio program to Austin May 18-19 to cover the battle over LGBT equality at the Texas Capitol. The journalist and bestselling author has chronicled the modern movement for LGBT equality since the 1980s. So if you’re a Sirius XM subscriber, make sure to tune in to the show May 18-19.

Signorile will also be speaking and signing copies of his new book, It’s Not Over: Getting Beyond Tolerance, Defeating Homophobia, and Winning True Equality, at BookPeople in Austin on May 18. Click here for more on that event.

3 thoughts on “Sirius Radio Host Bringing Show to Texas for Battle over LGBT Discrimination Bills

  1. The incredible hatred that the “religious right” are showing simply boggles my mind.

    The audacity that is being shown by our legislators in Austin in thumbing their noses at the Supreme Court and the Constitution is mind numbing.

    Any attempt to legitimize biblical law into secular law is against everything decent.

    Christians feel that their books are the only books that should be permitted, yet the mere mention of Sharia law makes them swoon.

    It is beyond time that our civil rights are restored, not the religious “rights” that they feel it should be.

    It is beyond time for another revolution.

  2. Hi everyone. This is just a brief message to let my friends and enemies here at TFN Insider know that I have established a new blog devoted to severe criticism of Christian fundamentalism, conservative evangelicalism,and the so-called Religious Right.

    Recent statistics indicate that a full 88 percent of the children raised in Christian fundamentalist churches leave the faith tradition of their youth and never come back to those churches or churches like them again for the rest of their lives. My new blog is aimed at flushing the remaining 12 percent out of their pews and thereby depopulating the Religious Right. I am also encouraging them to continue their faith and worship of Jesus Christ in churches that are both nonfundie and nonabusive. If you think the Religious Right and their Christian fundamentalist supporters in the pews have a hard row to hoe here at TFN Insider, you ain’t seen nothing yet. You can reach the new blog by clicking on the following URL:

    If you would like to be a regular follower of the blog, then click on the “Follow Button” when you get there. If you are wondering why there is no button for commenting, just click on the “Blog Policy” button.

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