Signs of Life for McLeroy Confirmation?

Texas State Board of Education Chairman Don McLeroy, R-College Station, has been making the rounds of Senate offices this week with a lobbyist from Free Market Foundation Focus on the Family-Texas. The two are trying to turn the tide on McLeroy’s endangered confirmation for another term as board chairman. We hear from one Capitol office that McLeroy is telling folks he believes his confirmation hopes have been resuscitated.

Perhaps that’s just empty bravado before the gallows. But we are concerned that Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst has yet to assign to committee a constitutional amendment that would strip the state board of its authority over the Permanent School Fund. With elections looming next year, is Lt. Gov. Dewhurst looking to curry favor with social conservatives who support the state board? Is he also working now to win McLeroy’s confirmation? News reports have indicated that McLeroy’s confirmation is dead. But as we’ve said before: don’t assume anything in the last month of a legislative session.

Click here to find contact information for Lt. Gov. Dewhurst. Tell him that you support HJR 77, the constitutional amendment that would put management of the Permanent School Fund under the control of a board of finance professionals. That common-sense amendment passed the 150-member House with 104 votes. And tell him that you oppose the confirmation of McLeroy as state board chairman. Then contact your senator. Click here to find your senator’s name and contact information.

5 thoughts on “Signs of Life for McLeroy Confirmation?

  1. I just saw a video that Cargill was putting up for vote on the age of the universe????? And my rep Nunez does nothing!!! How do I get involved with the SBOE so that I can challenge this clown??

  2. jdg,
    you realize rene nunez was probably the most consistent opponent of the mcleroy morons during the march debacle? go look at the State Board of Education
    Summary of Action Items, March 27, 2009 to see how many of the votes rene was one of the few to vote against the motions.

  3. Instead of “Don’t ask. Don’t tell,” how about: “Don’t think. Do tell”? Don’t walk away Rene. You won’t see me follow you back home…

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