Right-wingers Head to Austin This Weekend

Right-wing activists will get their rage on at the Conservative Texans Political Action Conference (CTxPAC) this weekend in Austin. No surprise: it looks like anti-government, religious-right radicalism will dominate the confab.

Sponsored by the Austin-based organization New Revolution Now, the event will feature speakers from Liberty Institute (the Focus on the Family affiliate in Texas), the anti-government (and Koch brothers-funded) Americans for Prosperity, and True the Vote, a spin-off of the vote-suppression/Tea Party organization King Street Patriots in Houston. You might recall that last fall King Street Patriots hosted a speech by a right-wing writer who has argued that registering poor people to vote is un-American and like “like handing out burglary tools to criminals.”

New Revolution Now has also waded into the textbook wars in Texas. In 2010 the group helped pressure (successfully) the Texas State Board of Education to politicize social studies curriculum standards for public schools. The conservative Fordham Institute subsequently criticized the “ideological manipulation,” historical revisionism and contempt for expertise apparent throughout the standards.

We figure this weekend’s event will draw plenty of folks who lie awake at night worried about the global warming conspiracy undermining America, the United Nations taking over America and radical Muslims destroying America. It’s even hard to tell if comments like this one from a reader of CTxPAC’s blog are meant to be taken seriously:

“We are in grave danger, as the Muslims are the chosen to allow the killing of their enemies, which are the same enemies of those who propagate this plan. The enemy is us, the Christians, and the Jews. The Muslims will be just one of their population reduction machines. They now have the ability to manipulate our weather, which strongly suggests that they can reap environmental havoc on anyone they so choose, to cause starvation, floods, and other deadly weather phenomina [sic].”


2 thoughts on “Right-wingers Head to Austin This Weekend

  1. Frui-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t



  2. Now Charles…just ’cause he’s paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get him! The turbin-headed malevolents, scimitars gripped between their pearly whites, are crawling at him on hands and knees from every direction, and… (uhh, gotta go… the nurse is here with his pills.)

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