
We told you at the beginning of the month how racially charged rhetoric is becoming more common in the debate over new social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools. On Friday we saw another example of race-baiting rhetoric.

Peter Morrison, appointed by State Board of Education member David Bradley, R-BeaumontBuna, to a panel helping revise the social studies standards, appears to be especially obsessed with race. On Friday in a new issue of his e-newsletter, The Peter Morrison Report, he attacked President Obama’s speech to students earlier in the week as an attempt to “indoctrinate” them and “capture the hearts and minds of our kids.” And then he turns to his obsession:

“Obama’s speech contained plenty of propaganda, in both what was said and what was omitted. He told kids that they may face road blocks, such as discrimination. Really? It makes me wonder which kids he’s speaking to, because I’m not sure of where in America minorities are facing discrimination in employment or education. What company won’t hire non-whites? What schools won’t accept minorities? What banks makes loan decisions on skin color?”

“Obama didn’t mention the fact that he’s in favor of racial discrimination against the white students listening. He has already appointed a Supreme Court justice who is a big fan of racial preferences for non-whites and will no doubt make the problem even worse from the high court. Obama has made it clear he intends to do much, much more to expand affirmative action, racial quotas, and other anti-white discrimination.”

We have already heard far-right critics argue that the social studies standards have an “overrepresentation of minorities.” And Morrison makes it clear that we haven’t heard the last word on this.

11 thoughts on “Race-Baiting

  1. Everyone may face discrimination at some point in their life. Gender, age, etc. If you think kids don’t feel picked on at school, you just don’t remember the experience. Almost every kid feels picked on.. or discriminated against but they still have to keep on moving and trying their best. The Republicans standing by this message that the speech was somehow political in a negative way just look desperate. Is Obama that scary to you? Is the Republican party that weak? To make such a big deal about a ‘Do well in school’ speech… really.. desperate.

  2. Peter Morrison is overtly racist. He’s the pot calling the kettle black, pardon the pun.

    Is David Bradley racist? Of course he is, else he wouldn’t have picked Peter Morrison.

  3. The sensible people in the Republican Party are getting worried about this too, s they should be. I don’t think any group or organization wants to be defined by its believers in Atlantis, a flat Earth, bigfoot, and gods from outer space, but that appears to be what is happening. Here are a couple of excerpts from an article on the Politico website:

    “Neither party has an exclusive on wack jobs,” says Republican media consultant Mark McKinnon. “Unfortunately, right now the Democrats generally get defined by President Obama, and Republicans, who have no clear leadership, get defined by crackpots — and then they begin to define the Republican Party in the mind of the general public.”

    Turn on the TV, and you see what he means.

    Here’s Orly Taitz, insisting that the commander in chief was born in Kenya. There’s a flock of angry protesters chanting “Just say no!” and carrying signs depicting a Democratic congressman with devil’s horns. Former GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin warns darkly that Obama is planning “death panels” for senior citizens. Georgia Rep. Paul Broun equates the president’s plans with “Nazi” policies. Ohio Rep. Jean Schmidt — last heard calling John Murtha a “coward” — tells a birther: “I agree with you, but the courts don’t.”

  4. Apology from Charles:

    I have noticed a large number of typographical errors in my posts of late. Being a working writer and editor, among other things, it’s the sort of thing that would concern someone like me—fingernails scratching the blackboard of my mind. Therefore, I apologize for the errors, knowing that you would appreciate a smooth read.

    As pointed out by one of my favorite books on editing, “Proofreading Plain & Simple” by Debra Hart May, it is very hard for anyone to edit accurately on-screen. It says that you can type a page, edit it on the computer screen, and be sure it is clean as Ivory Soap. Print it off and read it again on paper, and the errors you missed will leap at you from all directions. The book’s final recommendation to editors is to NEVER edit on-screen. Always print it out and edit it on paper. My own experience has shown this to be true in numerous contexts. If you did not already know that, I hope this tip will be helpful to you.

    Does anyone know whether it is possible to print a draft TFN post before submitting it? Thanks!!!

  5. If this is really what Peter Morrison thinks, then he is completely out of touch with reality. Playing the race card doesn’t work when you’re a powerful (albeit stupid) white male. Sorry, Morrison, but take your waah somewhere else.

  6. “I’m not sure of where in America minorities are facing discrimination in employment or education.”

    He must not get out much. My wife comes home from her school job about once a week furious over racist comments that teachers make and subtle actions they take. No, Mr Morrison, it’s not institutionalized like it was when I was a kid, but racism is alive and well in the American schools.

  7. Why does TFN always strike through “Beaumont” and write in “Buna.” In some past election, did Bradley tell some lie about his origins to make it appear that he represented more people than he actually did. Just curious.

  8. Sarah makes a wise observation. I was discriminated against too (from my peers) because I was different: I was into horses longer than girls should be, I liked classical music, I developed a “womanly” figure too early. Because of these things I was ridiculed, sometimes brutally and physically. I know I’m not the only one who was harassed as a kid and young teen. Nevertheless, President Obama is telling kids not to let these things hold them back and not to use them as excuses for giving up. Maybe there’s something else wrong with me but I don’t see anything wrong or socialist about that message. Who w0uld NOT want their kid to hear such a message? Schools have motivational speakers speak to the kids occasionally, and I bet they have to pay for those speakers whereas they got the same basic message from the president for free. And yet several days later, they’re still complaining.

    Charles, I’ve noticed typos in my posts lately as well. That’s not like me. I think a good strategy for us is to type our messages in Word or some other word processing application, review them and, if satisfied, copy and paste them here.

    Now I shall read this once again before hitting Submit Comment.

  9. Charles, I usually write blog columns in a text editor and the same for comments. I check for spelling before copying into the comment field. I do edit on-screen, not on paper, but I try to check several times. Mistakes still creep in.

    Bradley lives outside of his district in Buna. He keeps an office in Beaumont that he uses to establish residency in his district. This is legal but not ethical.

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