Miller: ‘Don’t Give Up’

Before I say anything else, let me say this:

We. Are. Not. Giving. Up.

The latest session of the Texas Legislature has ended (for now) — a brutal five months for LGBTQ equality, reproductive freedom and basic human rights.

And in the waning hours of the session, lawmakers voted to expand the State Board of Education’s authority to censor to textbooks.

But let’s say it again: We are not giving up.

Because over the last five months, we also saw tens of thousands of TFN supporters show up and speak out like never before. Some of you even traveled from the far corners of the state so you could look legislators in the eye and tell them you believe in equality, true religious freedom and the right of all Texans to make their own decisions about their reproductive health.

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It’s because you didn’t give up that we were able to celebrate a few victories even when faced with what seemed like insurmountable odds. (Sorry, Dan Patrick. Texans still aren’t buying your voucher snake oil.)

In the days ahead, we will highlight the damaging new laws that were passed — and our plans to counter them. So keep an eye out for how you can join the resistance.

Until then, repeat after me: I am not giving up.

Still in the fight,
Kathy Miller
President of the Texas Freedom Network

P.S. Vulnerable Texans across the state need an advocate who won’t give up — make sure they have one by making a emergency gift today.

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