McLeroy Debate Expected in Senate Today

Confirmation of Don McLeroy as Texas State Board of Education chairman is indeed on the list of pending nominations for the Senate today. When today’s nominations come to the floor, expect a motion to sever — or remove — McLeroy from the list of other nominees. That will allow the Senate to consider his confirmation separately. You can watch the Senate live on the Internet here. TFN Insider will also be providing updates (and live-blogging, if possible).

You still have time to ask your senator to oppose McLeroy’s confirmation. Click here to find the name and contact information for your senator.

4 thoughts on “McLeroy Debate Expected in Senate Today

  1. Let’s hope we can all say this by midnight today:

    “Fu spennato, sfracellato e piombato a Belzebu!!! E questa sera gran fiaccolata, veglia di gala a Pallazzo TFN.”

    Which is translated from Italian into English as:

    “He was plucked and quartered and thrown to Beelzebub. And tonight a mighty torch procession and a gala evening at TFN.”

    I’ll bring the champagne.

  2. Demoting McLeroy from the Chaimanship would be a great message to send to the zealots who want to push their sectarian religious agendas in the schools. However, if Cynthia Dunbar is appointed as McLeroy’s replacement, will we have we won anything at all?

  3. How many votes are needed to sever McLeroy from the rest of the list? If the conservatives have the votes needed to prevent severance but not the 2/3 needed to confirm McLeroy directly, will they hold the rest of the list hostage?

    1. Lorenzo,
      Good question. The Senate typically agrees to sever rather than put an entire list of nominees at risk, but in politics you never know.

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