Leininger Raises The Stakes

Leininger Raises The Stakes

Leininger Donations to Pro-Voucher PACs Now Top $2.3 Million

February 28, 2006

AUSTIN Reports available today through the Texas Ethics Commission show that San Antonio businessman Dr. James Leininger has now contributed more than $2.3 million to three political action committees to support pro-private school voucher candidates in this year’s elections.

TFN President Kathy Miller released the following statement on Dr. Leininger’s breathtaking attempt to buy a Legislature that will pass a voucher scheme.

“These gigantic donations are breathtaking,” Miller said. “In Jim Leininger’s gamble to buy the Legislature, he just went all in. And if he wins, private schools will take the pot and public schools will foot the bill.”

Leininger PAC Donations for the 2005-06 Election Cycle

Texas Republican Legislative Campaign Committee: $1,807,443.25 ($1,257,443.25 in the eight-day-out report just released)

The Future of Texas Alliance: $495,000 ($395,000 in eight-day-out report)

Texas Club for Growth: $13,000

Total: $2,315,443.25

Source: Texas Ethics Commission, as of February 28, 2006

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