It's Time to #FightBackTX


It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since thousands of orange-clad Texans made the walls of the Capitol rumble with our protests against politicians forcing their ideological agendas on the women of Texas. History has now proven that, despite what those politicians said, their efforts sought to do only one thing: close abortion clinics.

The power and passion of that movement last summer was unlike anything I’ve ever seen in Texas politics. I was keenly aware, even while standing in the Senate gallery beside my cheering daughter, that all this outpouring of energy would have to be channeled into deliberate, determined grassroots action, or nothing was going to change in Texas.

Changing our culture will require tremendous activism at the grassroots level. That’s why it’s time to dust off that orange t-shirt and get involved again. The first thing you can do is add your name to the #FightBackTX pledge. By signing, you’ll send an email to your state senator and representative letting them know that you’ll fight back against any efforts to restrict access to safe and legal abortions.

Need some motivation? At, you can read a behind-the-scenes oral history from the perspective of the activists and leaders who helped shape the dramatic events surrounding the “citizen’s filibuster” last summer. Then sign the pledge to put state leaders on notice that the filibuster was just the beginning. Let’s #FightBackTX.

We’ll be with you every step of the way.

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