In Case You Missed It…

The flip side of Obama’s ‘empathy’ is apparent hatred and contempt for white people, traditional families, small business owners, evangelical Christians, conservatives, and everyone else that liberals call the ‘racist, heterosexist, nativist, Christianist, capitalist, homophobic power structure’ in America. In other words, what most of us call normal people. These radical leftists regard folks like you and me and our children as the enemy, and it’s their mission in life to put us in our supposed place, which to them means at the back of the bus. They’re in charge now, and they fully intend to use their power to remake America in their image. If the Senate approves Sotomayor for the Supreme Court, Obama will know that he has carte blanche to escalate his all out war on traditional Americans. . . .

That shocking passage — full of blind anger and venom — comes from a right-wing activist appointed by the Texas State Board of Education to a team tasked with revising public school social studies curriculum standards. Read our full post about the influence of fringe political activists on the writing teams here.

You think the Texas science curriculum revision was controversial? Don McLeroy, during the debate over his failed confirmation as State Board of Education chairman this spring, assured senators that the social studies revision would be even more divisive. We’re seeing more and more about what he meant.

5 thoughts on “In Case You Missed It…

  1. This is so surreal, what century are we in? Are we still fighting the civil war, seems racisim is alive and well. Usually people project their feelings on others and assume that’s their reality, so Mr. Mcleroy must be feeling that way about anyone else who is not of his race, color, or religious persuasion. Why is it that he is feeling so threatened by President Obama to the degree that he would spout such venom? Is it scary to think that other people have rights and that these rights need to be respected? Again what version of christianity is he adhering to, the one that said slavery was okay and whites are superior to any other race. I am just flabbergasted.

  2. Not only what century are we in, but what country are we in? The Christian White Anglo-Saxon Protestant United States of America? Seems this is what the writer thinks. Or else the writer thinks this is Salem, Massachusetts circa 1692. Back in the 1970’s, I never dreamed America would have become this. If the above diatribe is an example of Christianity, I am terrified for the future.

  3. Nagla: that wasn’t Dr McLeroy quoted above, but Peter Morrison, an appointed “expert” helping with our future social studies curriculum.

  4. In the context of this statement, do you think it would be over the top to recommend the inclusion of Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States” as a text for the new curriculum?

    The projection of this type of mind-set as victim is truly pathetic; I suppose it shields one’s consciousness from the empathy that would arise if the real suffering of marginalized segments of our culture were understood.

    Reading the passage conjured up the image of the first Puritan colonists: huddled and fearful, clinging to their muskets and bibles, and trembling at the thought of the unknown inhabiting the woodlands around them.

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