Houston City Council Requests an Encore: Speak in Support of the Equal Rights Ordinance

Yesterday the Houston City Council’s Quality of Life Committee heard the first public comments on the mayor’s proposed Equal Rights Ordinance, which bars discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. Guess what happened? Supporters outnumbered opponents more than two-to-one, with an especially strong showing in support from Houston’s religious community. That’s what we call a success.

But this wasn’t the only chance to tell council members that Houstonians strongly support equality for all: the full City Council will convene to hear from the public on the ordinance. This is the most effective way to show the council your support for the ordinance, so sign up to testify before the council today! (And do note — you must sign up ahead of time.)

Let’s break down the steps to get signed up to testify:

  1. Plan to arrive at the City Hall Chambers, 901 Bagby St, 2nd floor (Google Map here – parking available in the small lot behind the City Hall Annex, or the Tranquility Park parking garage). Make sure to arrive early.
  2. Sign up to speak with the City Secretary’s office. You can call 832-393-1100 or email [email protected]. Whether you call or email, make sure to let the secretary know you are speaking in support of the Equal Rights Ordinance. You must register before the meeting.
  3. Prepare your one-minute statement. Practice a few times by yourself and in front of a few people — one minute can go by fast.
  4. Ask a friend or family member to join you by registering as a speaker or just to support you at the council meeting.

Even if you can’t make it, you may have friends and family who can. So spread the word about getting involved. Let’s put on another good show next week because the City Council and mayor need to know that Houstonians are behind them and support the Equal Rights Ordinance.

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