House Committee Passage of SBOE Broadcast Bill Is Key Step in Shining Light on Politicization of Education Policy

House Committee Passage of SBOE Broadcast Bill Is Key Step in Shining Light on Politicization of Education Policy

March 3, 2009

The House Public Education Committee today passed House Bill 772 by Donna Howard, D-Austin, which would require that State Board of Education meetings be broadcast live by audio and video over the Internet. Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller praised the unanimous committee vote:

“For too long this board has been able to operate outside the watchful eye of parents and other taxpayers, and lawmakers seem to have had enough. Ideologues have turned the board into a playground for promoting personal political agendas rather than the interests of Texas schoolchildren. If installing a camera helps rein in those board members, we think taxpayers will be well served.”


The Texas Freedom Network is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of religious and community leaders who advance a mainstream agenda supporting public education, religious freedom and individual liberties.

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