Google+ Hangout: What's Happening with the Texas Science Textbook Adoption

Watch and listen in as the Texas Freedom Network’s Kathy Miller, the National Center for Science Education’s Josh Rosenau, and University of Texas Professor Arturo De Lozanne talk about the battle to defend evolution and climate change science in proposed science textbooks for Texas schools. The State Board of Education is scheduled to vote November 22 on which textbooks to approve for the state’s public schools.

8 thoughts on “Google+ Hangout: What's Happening with the Texas Science Textbook Adoption

  1. Nothing important to say. I just want to thank your organization for standing up for science education. It is so important. Thanks for all you do.

  2. Am all for what you do. I’m curious whether there’s any evidence that students with creationist, etc. backgrounds eventually do not do well in college science, do not go into science, or do not do well in science careers? Best wishes,
    Frank Popper
    Rutgers and Princeton Universities

    1. Frank: That’s an excellent question – after all these years in the evo/cre wars I have never seen that addressed with any, y’know, data. Hmmmm….

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