Early Voting This Week for Texas SBOE Runoff Elections

The party primary elections of May 29 decided most things, but not everything. Starting today, if you live in certain Texas State Board of Education districts, you get a second shot at making an impact on the board and on public education in Texas.

Early voting begins today, and runs through Friday, for the July 31 primary runoff elections. If you live in SBOE District 2, 10 or 12, you may have an SBOE runoff race on your ballot. You can find a listing of SBOE candidates in the runoff elections here.

Don’t know your SBOE district? Click here to find out.

Go to tfn.org/educate to learn more about the SBOE candidates headed for a runoff.

Here’s why you should care even if you don’t have an SBOE runoff where you live. Over the past five years, politicians on the state board have:

  • Censored what students will learn in their history classes
  • Rejected established science
  • Ignored the recommendations of teachers and respected scholars

And because of redistricting, all 15 seats on the board are up for election this year. That means Texans have bigger-than-usual opportunity to make major changes on the SBOE.

You can go to VoteTexas.gov to find your polling location and much more information on early voting and the runoff election.

4 thoughts on “Early Voting This Week for Texas SBOE Runoff Elections

  1. I noticed Ms. Cargill from The Woodlands seemed to have won the election challenged only by another Republican. Why? Also, if there are no suitable challengers how do we expect anything to change? If I received enough support I would gladly challenge any of these mediocre candidates and I would win with much less campaign money (like Jesse Ventura) 🙂

  2. I feel like why bother? I don’t know any of the candidates except most of them are creationists hell bent on driving TX ed to the bottom of the list and therefore, “proving” the “failure” of public schools. TFN should seek out individuals to support to run. Otherwise, I don’t trust a one of them to even decide the lesser of evils.

  3. Angela – as you can see I have offered my services and no one has responded. But I don’t think we should bury our heads in the sand and do nothing! We still have the ability to vote!!

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