Defend Stem Cell Research in Texas

The religious right’s war on science and responsible medical research in Texas is sure to heat up during the current legislative session in Austin. So the Texas Freedom Network is once again working with coalition partners to defend one of the far right’s major targets: embryonic stem cell research.

You can help by joining TFN ‘s Stand Up for Science Rapid Response Team. We will keep team members updated on how they can take action to defend this promising medical research in Texas during the legislative session.

In addition, Texans for the Advancement of Medical Research (TAMR) has an online petition in support of embryonic stem cell research.

And Texans for Stem Cell Research (TSCR) is kicking off a series of educational events on stem cell research on Tuesday in Austin.

In recent legislative sessions TFN, TAMR, TCSR and others have succeeded in blocking legislation that would essentially ban embryonic stem cell research at Texas public institutions. Join us as we continue working to keep hope alive for patients and their families struggling with serious medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, cancer and spinal cord injuries.

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