Anti-Abortion Extremists Would Rather Women Die Than Go to Planned Parenthood

Listening to right-wing radio often leaves us wondering whether we need to get a rabies vaccine. It’s really that bad. But we monitor those programs so we can shine a light on the frothing, hateful nonsense they promote. Case in point: today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio program from Liberty Counsel, the Florida-based organization so extreme that the Southern […]

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Texas GOPers Take Anti-Constitutional Position on Supreme Court and Marriage

Polls show that a growing majority of Americans support the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples, but that’s not the case specifically among Republicans. In fact, the Texas Republican Party — largely controlled by the religious right for the past two decades — is particularly hostile to the freedom to marry. And some GOP elected officials have been […]

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Dallas Religious-Right Pastor: American Christians Face Persecution Like the Jews in Nazi Germany

The religious right has invested a lot of energy and resources into trying to convince Americans that Christians are somehow under attack in a country in which the population is overwhelmingly Christian. Latest example: Robert Jeffress, the far-right Dallas pastor who thinks President is paving the way for the Antichrist. Now Jeffress says Christians in America are facing persecution […]

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Tom DeLay’s Betrayal of the Constitution and Liberty

Tom DeLay, the disgraced former U.S. congressman from Texas and Republican House Majority Leader, thinks states can defy a possible U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down bans on same-sex marriage. He tells the right-wing outlet Newsmax that “all hell is going to break loose” if the high court makes such a ruling this month. He goes on: “A ruling […]

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