Texas Anti-Abortion Politicians Attack Researchers Who Report Inconvenient Facts

UPDATE: It appears Sen. Nelson and other anti-abortion Republicans got their pound of flesh. One of the state researchers who was a co-author on the report noted below is stepping down from his job. Here’s the chilling lesson for state workers: politicians don’t want to hear the facts about how their policies are hurting women and families. And […]

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Texas Senate Hearing Today Was Really about Justifying Discrimination against LGBT People

Today’s hearing of the Texas Senate State Affairs Committee was billed as an examination of how to protect religious liberty, but it was really about what we expected it would be: justifying discrimination against LGBT people. In fact, halfway through the hearing, it became clear that religious-right activists and committee members were especially interested in relitigating […]

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Right-wing Candidate for Texas Ed Board Isn’t Happy with TFN

We told you last week about the outrageous things Texas State Board of Education candidate Mary Lou Bruner publicly claims on her Facebook page. Among them: that President Obama was a gay prostitute so that he could fund his drug addiction, that Democrats conspired to assassinate President Kennedy, that evolution “is a religious philosophy … supporting the religion of […]

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The Debate Over Darwin Refuses to Evolve in Texas

We’ve had too many battles, and probably more to come, over the teaching of evolution in public school classrooms here in Texas. And while we’re glad to say that TFN and its partners have had quite a bit of success standing up for science in recent years, we’re also sorry to say that we keep […]

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