A New Low for Ken Paxton

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who has been charged in state and federal courts with securities fraud, has released a video in which he insists that he’s being persecuted because he’s a “conservative Christian” and a person of “strong faith.” […]

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It’s hard to imagine a more disgraceful demonstration of ignorance, fear-mongering and bullying. That’s what we’re seeing as one of the state’s highest elected officials joins with religious-right groups in demanding that the Fort Worth Independent School District rescind a policy allowing transgender students to use the restroom in peace. […]

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Video: School Superintendents Educate Mary Lou Bruner

Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) candidate Mary Lou Bruner, R-Mineola, who at this point is best known for claiming President Obama as a young man was a drug user who worked as a gay prostitute to pay for his habit and numerous other incendiary statements, recently appeared at a meeting of several school superintendents […]

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