The Bible in the News: It Isn’t Going Away

Hope you aren’t tired of reading stories about Bibles in schools yet — there are likely many more to come. In today’s and yesterday’s TFN News Clips alone, we found six stories about public school Bible courses but only ran five and an editorial cartoon. And you can, as the Austin American-Statesman wrote in an editorial […]

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Clergy Campaign Promotes Marriage Equality

With the general election just months away, religious-right groups are once again pushing statewide ballot measures that would bar same-sex marriage and even civil unions. California, where the state Supreme Court earlier this year opened marriage to same-sex couples, is one of the biggest battlegrounds in the nation. In response to the far right’s renewed assault on […]

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Warren Jeffs, Other FLDS Members Charged

Quorum Report has posted Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott‘s statement on the felony charges against six FLDS members — including imprisoned former head Warren Jeffs — handed down today: Earlier today the Schleicher County Grand Jury issued seven indictments containing nine counts of sexual assault, bigamy, and related charges against six individuals who are associated […]

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Linguistics: Darwin and Lesbos

A couple of short notes on linguistics today: The New York Times has an interesting column suggesting we drop the use of the words “Darwin,” “Darwinism” and “Darwinian.” The columnist believes using such words is “grossly misleading.” It suggests that Darwin was the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega, of evolutionary biology, and […]

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Religious Right Seeks Control of Kansas SBOE

Oh, Kansas. Why must you share our suffering so? As Texans with our own dysfunctional and often wacky State Board of Education, it’s easy for us to sympathize with Kansans, who are facing elections to their own tenuously sane state board this year. Unfortunately, Kansans won’t have many of the moderates currently leading the board […]

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