McLeroy Lets the Cat Out of the Bag

Watch this short clip of State Board of Education chairman Don McLeroy explaining the true motivation behind his two amendments to proposed Texas science standards dealing with common descent and natural selection: [youtube=] We’ll say this for McLeroy – he’s not trying to hide his intent. The purpose of his amendments is to cause kids to question […]

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Science Under Siege in Texas

OK, we’ve had a little time to digest all that went on today at the Texas State Board of Education. Without going through each of the many amendments that passed, here’s essentially what happened. This morning the board slammed the door on bringing creationism into classrooms through phony “weaknesses” arguments. But then board members turned […]

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Live Blogging the Texas Science Debate IV

2:56 – Barbara Cargill now offers an amendment for Earth and Space Science designed to challenge the Big Bang theory. She wants teachers to tell students that there are different estimates of the age of the universe. (Like, maybe billions of years vs. 10,000?) 3:00 – Cargill says she has no intention to open the […]

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Live Blogging the Texas Science Debate III

1:43 – Sometimes the hypocrisy is really astounding. The anti-evolution Discovery Institute is harshly criticizing State Board of Education member Rick Agosto for asking that creationists remove their anti-evolution signs from the board room. Says the Disco: Apparently Texas Board of Education member Rick Agosto isn’t just content to censor science by removing any criticisms […]

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Live Blogging the Science Debate II

BREAKING NEWS: A proposed amendment adding “strengths and weaknesses” of scientific theories back to the science standards has failed on a 7-7 vote. 11:17 – With the defeat of “strengths and weaknesses,” the board is now on to other amendments. Ms. Cargill begins. 11:20 Despite Chairman McLeroy’s repeated prohibition against signs in the hearing room […]

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