The Religious Right, Lies and Hate Crimes

The religious right’s campaign against a stronger federal law on hate crimes has increasingly been, well, hateful. An e-mail blast from one Texas-based pressure group this morning calls on recipients to express “opposition to the pending hate crimes legislation, also known as the “Pedophile Protection Act” due to its inclusion of pedophiles as a protected […]

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‘Worst Person in the World’ – Texas Edition

Popular MSNBC host Keith Olbermann turned his withering gaze to Texas last Friday, excoriating Governor Rick Perry for even considering public school-hater Cynthia Dunbar for chair of the state’s Board of Education. Dunbar’s outlandish comments landed the governor the top spot on Olbermann’s “Worst Person in the World” list. You won’t want to miss this […]

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Gail Lowe, Politics and Social Studies

It didn’t take long. Gail Lowe is already showing why the Texas Freedom Network is concerned about Gov. Rick Perry’s appointment of her as chair of the Texas State Board of Education. Lowe appointed David Barton — head of WallBuilders, a far-right organization that opposes separation of church and state — to a panel of s0-called […]

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Gail Lowe = More of the Same

If you wondered if the appointment of Gail Lowe, R-Lampasas, as new State Board of Education chair signals a new direction for the embattled board, Lowe’s fellow board member — and fellow culture warrior — Terri Leo, R-Spring, has an answer for you: “Philosophically I believe she is the most conservative SBOE member. We tease […]

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Breaking News: Perry Picks Lowe to Head SBOE

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has just appointed Gail Lowe, R-Lampasas, as chairman of the State Board of Education. Lowe will replace Don McLeroy, whose nomination as chairman the state Senate rejected in May. In a press release announcing the appointment. Gov. Perry expressed confidence “that through her leadership, we will continue to ensure that Texans […]

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