As David Barton helps guide the revision of social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools, it’s important to keep his agenda in mind. In fact, that agenda will be the focus of a conference for right-wing legislators Barton’s organization, WallBuilders, is hosting Nov. 5-8 in Dallas. WallBuilders hopes to draw lawmakers from states around the country to […]
Recent Blogs
Go Bananas with the Texas Freedom Network
Does Texas politics drive you bananas? Then come monkey around with us at Texas Freedom Network’s 14th Annual Celebration on Thursday, Oct. 22, in Austin. This is TFN’s biggest party and fundraiser of the year. The event includes great food, cash bar and a silent auction. And this year the National Comedy Theatre will provide […]
Why Is Gail Lowe Attacking Teachers?
Sometimes politicians find it easier to point fingers at everybody else for the problems they helped create themselves. That certainly seems true for Gail Lowe, the Republican from Lampasas who chairs the Texas State Board of Education. The state board has been bombarded with thousands of e-mails and letters from people concerned about the ongoing […]
TFN Calls for Lege to Investigate SBOE Ethics
The Texas Freedom Network issued the following press release today: The president of the Texas Freedom Network today called on state lawmakers to investigate ethics concerns swirling around the Texas State Board of Education’s management of the Permanent School Fund and to reconsider their failure this spring to let voters decide whether the board should […]
SBOE Ethics Woes Draw Legal Attention
In an editorial today, the Austin American-Statesman reports that Travis County Attorney David Escamilla’s office is taking a preliminary look into a report that two Texas State Board of Education members failed to disclose gifts from a firm bidding on work for the board. The Dallas Morning News last weekend reported that Rick Agosto, D-San […]